Sunday, July 8, 2007


So I wanted to write something really cool and insightful, in the colorful style of Anne Sablatura (for those of you lucky enough to know her), but this big white space is taunting me. I decided to look around and see what other people write in their blogs... maybe steal a few cool ideas. Unfortunately, now I feel like I'm way behind the curve. Either people have been doing this for a while, or they're all better writers than me! Also, there seem to be more blogs out there than there are people in the world... all of you must be writing multiple clever blogs, in order to compensate for the late-bloomers like me. Well, here I am, look out cyberliterati!

I believe there are a handful of people out there (at least 5!) who are interested in reading about my whereabouts and fabulous exploits (including mostly members of my family); so for you, I will get over this fear that I might not be able to write like Maya Angelou (or Anne Sablatura, who I personally think is a lot more funny). I'm not sure I'll ever have a "point", but most of you have talked to me, so you'll be used to rambling stories. Furthermore, I'm afraid that if I rely on individual emails, you might not ever hear from me! So this is my public disclaimer, especially for all of you other voyeuristic strangers who think other peoples' blogs are delicious.

Next week will be the last full week that I spend in the service of my country (at least, until they recall me!). I truly hope that my week of out-processing won't involve anything more interesting than the weird looks I've already gotten from my co-workers: "you're going to be a tour guide... really? REALLY?". Most of them can't imagine not wearing their ultra-kool flight suits to work, or for that matter, doing anything besides flying jets. On the other hand, however, the ones who know me really aren't surprised. I like to think people can see the fly-by-the-seat, hair-in-the-wind wild child that I really am under my ultra tough-girl weapons officer steely-eyed killer exterior. Then I show them my Backroads catalog, and most people get insanely jealous (in a "this looks awesome, but I'll keep my day job flying the world's greatest fighter, thanks, but good for you" kinda way). It helps that I am on my way to Croatia; no one can argue my good judgement in forfeiting all my future opportunities to travel to the fertile crescent for an autumn season in Dalmatia.

So in 10 days, I will officially be a civilian, on my way to new adventures. Meanwhile, I have to pass the scary paperwork gauntlet of outprocessing the military (at least I have orders, so it's "official") and saying goodbye to all of the great people I work with. I will miss all of them, but I'm more than ready for this next phase of my life!

Friday, June 22, 2007

First blog message

i'm getting out of the Air Force to become a gypsy, so I thought this would be a good way to keep in touch with people and let everyone in the world know where I am. Things are moving fast for me! I just got a job with Backroads, and I will start in late July leading a few trips in Maine. In August, I will head to Croatia to lead trips there! This job will be completely different from what I've done for the past 7 years, but everyone who knows me realises that I thrive on change. I love the fact that I have NO plans for the fall.